Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Michelle's Study skills blog (week 3 task 1)

Which two study skills do you need to improve on?
I would have to say that i need to improve on Getting Started and Finishing my work. Im not quite sure why but i get distracted very easily and I have a hard time getting back to my work or starting on it for that matter. By not getting started, it makes it very hard to finish everything on time. Its not that I dont want to do my work, in some cases it is quite the opposite, there just might be something on my mind or just other things going on around me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Michelle's Service Learning Blog (week one)

In which of these areas do you need to make the most improvement to become a more successful student?
I would have to say that the one goal i would try to improve on would be to motivate myself. Im the type of person who can and will get frustrated very easily. I know that if i just put my mind to it and reach for my goal then I can acheive it, I just have a problem actually going through with it. So im going to try and find something interesting about everything I do to keep me motivated and working hard.
I think that another very important aspect to this list is not being afraid to ask for help. It is very common for a student to get discouraged and not ask a teacher or anybody for help. Asking for help does not show weakness like most would think, it shows that you have enough courage to try and accomplish your goals. Another aspect is to look at everything you do in a positive way. Positive thinking can get you through most anything in your way. For example, if you are having trouble writing an essay, dont just sit there and say that you cant do it because if you dont have faith in yourself then you cant have the push to get yourself through your essay. Just tell yourself you can, take a breath and try again.