Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 10: The three types of communication

1)written: e-mail, notes or something written on a bord to be made public.
2)verbal: screaming, talking or wispering
3)non-verbal: pointing, smiling or staring

In my examples I showed things that could make someone think that a person is talking about them. For example, e-mails and notes can be accadentaly passed on to other people with out thinking, chain mail is sent around the world every day at just about every minute and it is extremely easy to send an e-mail that was private to someone that wasnt suppost to see it. This is the same with notes, they can be dropped or handed off in the hallway. Public display is also an easy way to catch unwanted attention like getting your name written on the bord by a teacher. The teacher is trying to make a point by saying that you did something bad but you are looking at it like she is trying to embarrise you. Words can get twisted by accadent and can make you end up thinking something completely different, so if you have something to say then just speak up and dont write things down unless you do it in your own private journal. Verbal outbursts can also be a very big problem, like when you hear someone has said something about you, most people will just start screaming and not even try to figure out what is true and whats not and when you are the one getting screamed at, you most likly wont want to have to explain yourself so you just start yelling back. Talking and wispering are also sometimes things you dont want to do. In my opinion, there is a right and wrong time for everything. Like talking during class, at the time it may seem important, but the teacher doesnt care and she wont hesitate to kick you out or give you detention for being "disrespectful". Whispering isnt much good either, in fact, whispering can propobly get you in the most trouble. When you whisper that is probobly the most obvious way of telling someone you are talking about them and most times, people will confrunt you about it. Lastly, body language, which is probobly the easiest thing to read. Most people thing when they see you pointing or stairing or laughing that you are talking about them becauser that is just human nature. So the next time you try to communicate, just think about your guestures and tone of voice because something that small can mess everything up.

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